On Saturday, I spent the day with 14 women, wine tasting our way through Virginia for a bachelorette adventure. Although I’ve lived here for many years, this was a first! Mostly because I work weekends and I hate driving once I’m not working. Silly but that’s how I roll. It was serious fun! My favorite vineyard was Pearmund Cellars (pictured above). Highlight of the day (besides laughing hysterically. these girls are funny) was the “Porn or Nail Polish” game. You’re welcome.
I love when homeowners get creative. This incredible mural is near the corner of 9th and N St., NW. Go check it out.
Look at dem donuts! Sugar Shack Donuts opened 1922 9th St, NW on August 19th. Donuts in the ‘hood. Woot.
Have we talked about my obsession with Cryotherapy? Cryo is “is a cutting-edge innovation using hyper-cool temperatures to stimulate is a powerful physiological responses and trigger the body’s natural healing processes. These include accelerating healing in soft tissue and joints, reducing inflammation and pain, and boosting metabolism.” I’ve been going to District Cryo at 9th and N St, NW for a year and it’s amazing. It’s helped my with my aches and pains after working out. I highly recommend it. Plus all the cool kids are doing it like the Real Housewives and various professional athletes.
On a more serious note, Hurricane Harvey wreaked havoc in Texas. To help provide assistance, go to Charity Navigator and donate. There’s a list of charities that are responding to the aftermath of the hurricane.
*image from poppy and pinecone. buy it here*