The perfect bar cart has proven to be elusive. After having no luck, I decided to go smaller. I rationalized my lack of success with this thought: "Do I really need another piece of furniture cluttering my living room?" No I don't.
Instead, I put a bar on my bar. I have a little nook that's the perfect place. For my birthday, I received the hilarious naked men glasses and the adorable owl bottle opener. Thanks Mom & Dad! I meant to buy more than one crazy straw but didn't read the quantity selection carefully. So I have one. That says "salud". At least it's cute. Plus regular cocktail glasses for the folk who might be offended by naked bums, an assortment of booze (vodka, gin, cognac and whisky) and a few mixers. The tray is from Target and unfortunately, it's no longer available.
I'm sure I'll add and subtract elements as I see things that appeal to me. I'm not 100% in love the the tray but it'll do for now. The tray I really want is by Jonathan Adler and is $500. Doh.
Regardless, I'm happy to have an area where I can offer my guests a drink. Who wants a cocktail?