For My Mom

For My Mom

  • Jen Angotti
  • 05/12/12
This picture makes me laugh every time I see it. We were on vacation in Hawaii and somebody (ahem, Dad) decided it'd be a good idea to bike down a volcano. This entailed a 3 am pick-up to see the sunrise, a lot of eye-rolling, and general crankiness. It ended up being a spectacular adventure and it's something I'll never forget. My favorite part of the day was Mom in this ridiculous outfit as we waited for the sun to rise, game to get on a bike for the first time in 40 odd years. Smooches Mom for years of putting up with us, Dad's genius "ideas" and being a good sport through it all.

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Jen Angotti excels at helping buyers and sellers achieve their real estate dreams. She offers concise, realistic advice on how to navigate any real estate transaction. Her clients appreciate her attention to detail, willingness to answer questions and patience.

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