How are you internet? I haven’t checked in for a bit and here’s a quick update.
I’ve been swamped with work. 2 of my most difficult deals in 2015 closed in the last week and I am jubilant. In fact, I drank some bubbles and did a happy, happy, happy dance around the living room. (a mix of the running man and the nae nae. are you laughing yet?)
The DC Wise event was a huge success! We raised $55,000 (I KNOW! It amazes me what these ladies do when they put their heads together) and a wonderful turn out despite the drizzly weather. Thank you to everyone who participated. It means the world.
I made my first batch of soup this weekend in between work appointments. Nothing like drizzly, cold weather to make me crave soup. I made roasted tomato soup and it’s amazing. My husband made this tortilla for Sunday breakfast. Both were yummy.
I’m ready to visit my brother in Charleston in a couple of weeks. While I’m loving the Fall weather, I can’t wait to stick my toes in the sand. Hopefully the flooding clean up will be done.
What have you been doing? Did you survive the rainy weekend? Are you enjoying this wonderful Fall weather and sun?