Most days, I’m swamped with the minutia that’s a necessary part of real estate transactions. When I need a break and I want to engage in some eye candy, I head straight to my favorite design blogs. I’m a visual creature, what can I say? Looking at well designed rooms inspires me. Especially “before and after” shots. Seeing a dismal room transformed into something amazing makes my day. Below are my three faves.
I adore Amber Interiors. She has style for days and I’m constantly gawking at her latest creations. Look at this place! You should see the’s crazy how much she changed the space.
Lauren Leiss’s aesthetic couldn’t be further from mine. However, her mix of neutrals and natural materials is stunning. She lives in Northern Virginia and she transformed a 70’s “modern” home into a showcase. Keep your eyes open people..she might be selling in the near future.
I know I’m broken record about Emily Henderson but she has mad skills. Also, her blog makes me laugh on a regular basis. Anyone obsessed with small, brass figurines and admits it is OK by me.