My (Soon to Be) New Living Room Furniture

My (Soon to Be) New Living Room Furniture

  • Jen Angotti
  • 02/24/15
In March, I’ve lived in my condo for 8 years (!!). While I’ve updated the bathrooms, kitchen cabinets, and countless pieces of art, I haven’t purchased any new furniture. It’s time. While my couches are beyond comfortable, they are oversized and dominate the room. I’m looking for a smaller couch with a chaise lounge and a kick ass arm chair.
First, I’m going to buy the arm chair. Part of me wants something brand new like the chairs I’m featuring today. The other part of me wants to buy something vintage and recover it. The problem: I need to sit in the chair and make sure it’s comfortable. That means I’ll be buying something local but a girl can dream, right?
chairs top to bottom | mrs. godfrey swivel chairsonja velvet chair | arne jacobsen egg chair

Work With Jen

Jen Angotti excels at helping buyers and sellers achieve their real estate dreams. She offers concise, realistic advice on how to navigate any real estate transaction. Her clients appreciate her attention to detail, willingness to answer questions and patience.

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