Novel Novels

Novel Novels

  • Jen Angotti
  • 04/9/14

In the last two weeks, two amazing things have happened: I got a free $45 book credit from Amazon for some lawsuit settlement and I finally learned how to use the digital downloading feature from DC Library. I know two totally ridiculous things but I've been so excited! It made my day.

Which leads to one of my favorite topics: what I've been reading. I read all the time but half the books I devour are total crap. When a good one comes along, it's always noteworthy.

The Fault in Our Stars by John Greene was absolutely beautiful. It's about 2 kids who aren't too healthy, love and being young. I laughed. I cried. I came across a sentence so beautifully written, I'm going to quote it: "My thoughts are stars I can't fathom into constellations." Read it right now.

The Book of Someday by Dianne Dixon is another great read. It's about 3 women and their stories intertwine over a number of years. It's engaging, intriguing and well paced. Do not miss it.


Work With Jen

Jen Angotti excels at helping buyers and sellers achieve their real estate dreams. She offers concise, realistic advice on how to navigate any real estate transaction. Her clients appreciate her attention to detail, willingness to answer questions and patience.

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