Riveting Rooms

Riveting Rooms

  • Jen Angotti
  • 02/4/13

Today, I want to sit on the couch. Unfortunately, I'm swamped..in the best possible way. That doesn't mean I'm not longing to lay around and read a trashy novel with a fuzzy blanket on my lap. Doesn't this leather couch look cozy and perfect for those activities? This rooms appeals to me even though it features a lot of browns and beige. Those two colors usually don't do it for me but in this combination they're soothing. Happy Monday!

photo via Living, etc.

Work With Jen

Jen Angotti excels at helping buyers and sellers achieve their real estate dreams. She offers concise, realistic advice on how to navigate any real estate transaction. Her clients appreciate her attention to detail, willingness to answer questions and patience.

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